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Friday, April 22, 2011

Do we still need heroes (Essay)

Heroes are important to the society and are needed today and possibly in the future. There are different types of heroes. The first type of heroes are those people who are courageous to stand up for their own rights. The second type of heroes are people who are brave to take a bold move and accomplish a significant milestone. The last type of heroes are those who are creative enough to invent appliances to help man live better.

Firstly, heroes are people who are courageous enough to stand up for what they believe is right. One example is Atticus in the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. In the novel, he had the courage to defend Tom Robinson, who was a black man, although it was considered wrong for a white man to do so. Atticus had done so as he believed that it was morally correct to defend someone who had not done anything wrong. He had demonstrated courage an stood up for what is right and is a hero. Without these type of people, the world would be full of unscrupulous people, who would anything to benefit themselves.

Secondly, heroes are people who take bold actions to achieve significant milestones. One example is Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. These two heroes had taken bold actions and were the first people in the world to ever conquer Mount Everest. Despite many people having failed in their attempts to conquer Mt Everest, these two heroes had persevered through their climb and accomplish a great achievement.

Last but not least, heroes are people who are creative and invent useful appliances to help man live better. One example is the great inventor, Thomas Edison. He had spent a lot of effort and persevered a lot to invent light, which is very useful to mankind. Thomas Edison had demonstrated bold courage to persevere and is a hero. Without these type of people, all mankind would be leading miserable tough lives, without any products to help us in our daily lives.

In conclusion, heroes are needed in society today and in the future. This is because heroes are the ones who make the world a better place to be in and accomplish milestones for the world.

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