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Thursday, June 30, 2011

In-class Online Lesson 9

Fighting wars, killing enemies,
I see many dead bodies.
So many soldier are all dead,
So much sacrifices have been made,

War is challenging, war is tough,
It is not something for us to laugh.
As we sadly mourn the dead,
We wonder who would be next.

Everyday we fight in fear,
Treasuring our lives, so dear.
We yearn the end of this meaningless war,
when we can end all this bloody gore.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One-Sentence Narrative Scene

I was standing in a garden surrounded with trees and flower in the north eastern part of the Republic of Singapore on a very tranquil and calm beautiful Sunday afternoon and enjoying the beautiful scenery when a fat and short blur-looking boy entered the garden with big foot steps and loud stomps till he reached the sturdy wooden benches in the middle of the garden and let out a long and loud fart and after which he calmly sat down on of the wooden benches and took out three burgers and gobbled them down in a matter of seconds with a big smile on his face.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Will same-sex marriage ever become legal in Singapore?

The Singapore Government is bound to legalize same-sex in Singapore in the future. This can be seen from past statements by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, stating that gay is alright. From this, Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew, shows that Singaporeans accept how others are and not ostracize them because they are different in the way they dress, behave and beliefs. As such, the law of Singapore is bound to evolve and allow same-sex marriage in the future. Thus, the Singapore Government would one day legalise same-sex marriage.

Secondly, the Singapore Government is also bound to legalize same-sex marriage in Singapore as there is a rising pressure on Singapore to do so. Around the world, 11 countries and several states legalize same-sex marriage, with the latest addition being New York. This shows that more places around the world are recognising same-sex marriage and if Singapore does not follow suit, this may be seen by others as a form of discrimination and unfairness. Thus, the Singapore Government would one day legalise same-sex marriage.