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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Letter to The Straits Times Editor

Dear editor,

I have read about the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March. I totally emphatise with the victims of the quake. This disastrous quake also sparked a horrific tsunami causing even more drastic damage, adding more salt to the wound. To support the Japanese through this disaster, I had donated some money to the Red Cross Society. Though it was not a big sum, I believe it would help the Japanese. As the saying goes, a chopstick breaks easily but ten chopsticks put together cannot break easily. If everyone plays a part, a significant difference could be seen.

I had also thought what if a similar incident happens to our society. Would we be able to survive, or just go down crashing like a bowling pin? This incident made recall the recent article in the Straits Times, commemorating the 20th anniversary of SQ 117, the flight that was hijacked by 4 Pakistanis. In that incident, there were no loss of lives and the 119 passengers made out of the incident unscathed. The four hijackers were taken down by 4 master-marksman would took just 30 seconds to identify the hijackers and take them down. As Senior Minister S.Jayakumar said 'They made Singapore proud".

This incident shows that though we may be a small country with a small population, we have sturdy people who can pull through hard times. I believe if these earthquakes and tsunamis happen to us, we would be able pull through, as well as Japan did.

Yours Sincerely,
Ren Kai

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