1) In all 3 casket scenes, the common theme is not to judge a book by its cover. In all 3 occasions, the caskets were contrary to what was inside the casket. In the first case, when the Prince of Morocco chose his casket, he looked highly upon himself. He saw himself as a very handsome person, and thus chose the casket that was the most expensive. This was the gold casket. However, he failed to win Portia.
In the second case, the Prince of Arragon saw himself as a middle-classed person. He believed that he was a very well-liked person, while at the same time very humble. Thus, he picked the silver casket, which he considered to be the best of both world. However, he also did not win Portia.
In the last case, Bassanio, considered the gold and silver caskets and thought them to be just pretty on the outside. In the end, he chose the lead, as he believed that beauty is in the inside, and people are often fooled by the looks. In the end, he won Portia.
2) Water... I cannot breathe... These were my last few thoughts I remembered before my mind went blank.
I had been on a boat trip with a close friend. The weather was fine and we had a whale of time. But it was different hours later. Dark clouds swarmed the sky, and a storm broke out. In a matter of seconds, my boat capsized and water started gushing in. Instinctively, both of us rushed for the life jacket. Unfortunately, only one was working.
Who should take it? My friend had a family of four to support. Should I give in the life jacket? It was the toughest dilemma I ever faced in my life. As I faced this dilemma, I realised how redundant my so called dilemmas in the past were. A Honda or a Toyota? An iPhone or an Android? Those were nothing; but this was something. It was about life and death. I only had a few seconds to decide. His family needs him. He is the sole breadwinner. I relented and lost grip of the life jacket, and sank into the sea.
My vision went black, and I slowly surrendered to death. Suddenly, I felt a strong grip on my shoulder, and before long, I was hauled to surface. I had been rescued!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
In-class Online Lesson 10
In this post, I would be revolving around two themes from The Merchant of Venice. They are "The Law" and the "Greed of Money".
The Law
The Merchant of Venice depends heavily upon laws and rules—the laws of the state of Venice and the rules stipulated in contracts and wills. Laws and rules can be manipulated for cruel or wanton purposes, but they are also capable of producing good when executed by the right people. Portia’s virtual imprisonment by the game of caskets seems, at first, like a questionable rule at best, but her likening of the game to a lottery system is belied by the fact that, in the end, it works perfectly. The game keeps a host of suitors at bay, and of the three who try to choose the correct casket to win Portia’s hand, only the man of Portia’s desires succeeds. By the time Bassanio picks the correct chest, the choice seems like a more efficient indicator of human nature than any person could ever provide. A similar phenomenon occurs with Venetian law. Until Portia’s arrival, Shylock is the law’s strictest adherent, and it seems as if the city’s adherence to contracts will result in tragedy. However, when Portia arrives and manipulates the law most skillfully of all, the outcome is the happiest ending of all, at least to an Elizabethan audience: Antonio is rescued and Shylock forced to abandon his religion. The fact that the trial is such a close call does, however, raise the fearful specter of how the law can be misused. Without the proper guidance, the law can be wielded to do horrible things.
Greed of Money
The greed of money is an important theme in The Merchant of Venice. In most cases, characters value money more than anything else and are strongly driven by it. In Shylock's case, he valued his money more than his daughter. This is from “O, my ducats! O, my daughter!” (Act 2, Scene 8, Line 15). Here, it is evident that Shylock cares about his money more then his daughter, much less relationships. Another example from The Merchant of Venice is Bassanio. When Bassanio went to marry Portia, he cared more about how rich she was then his love for her. He had also stated that he was more concerned on the debts that he can settle when marrying then his love for her. From this, it can be seen that Bassanio's greed of money is very strong, such that he neglects his relationship. From these examples, it is clear that characters in The Merchant of Venice are very greedy over money.
Narrative Conflict
Mr Lim was extremely anxious and his heart pounded heavily. Having recently heard of friends who made big bucks in a short period of time, Mr Lim, an enthusiastic investor, wanted to followed suit. He considered embarking on stock manipulation, which was illegal in Singapore. He definitely knew that stock manipulation was against that law in Singapore, but he could not resist his greed of money. In his mind, he thought about the luxury he could enjoy if he succeeded. On the other hand, he was afraid of being caught. He had seen it in the news; it was a heavy sentence and a big fine for offenders of stock manipulation. Mr Lim was in a big dilemma. Eventually, he succumbed to his greed for money, embarked on illegal activites. For the first few days, he saw a sharp increase in his profits and was elated for making the right decision. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side and the law eventually caught up on him. Mr Lim was charge with three counts of stocks manipulating and was tried his caught. As he awaits the judge to read his sentence, he feels a deep sense of regret for his actions. All these would not have happened, if his greed of money had not gotten the better of him.
In this post, I would be revolving around two themes from The Merchant of Venice. They are "The Law" and the "Greed of Money".
The Law
The Merchant of Venice depends heavily upon laws and rules—the laws of the state of Venice and the rules stipulated in contracts and wills. Laws and rules can be manipulated for cruel or wanton purposes, but they are also capable of producing good when executed by the right people. Portia’s virtual imprisonment by the game of caskets seems, at first, like a questionable rule at best, but her likening of the game to a lottery system is belied by the fact that, in the end, it works perfectly. The game keeps a host of suitors at bay, and of the three who try to choose the correct casket to win Portia’s hand, only the man of Portia’s desires succeeds. By the time Bassanio picks the correct chest, the choice seems like a more efficient indicator of human nature than any person could ever provide. A similar phenomenon occurs with Venetian law. Until Portia’s arrival, Shylock is the law’s strictest adherent, and it seems as if the city’s adherence to contracts will result in tragedy. However, when Portia arrives and manipulates the law most skillfully of all, the outcome is the happiest ending of all, at least to an Elizabethan audience: Antonio is rescued and Shylock forced to abandon his religion. The fact that the trial is such a close call does, however, raise the fearful specter of how the law can be misused. Without the proper guidance, the law can be wielded to do horrible things.
Greed of Money
The greed of money is an important theme in The Merchant of Venice. In most cases, characters value money more than anything else and are strongly driven by it. In Shylock's case, he valued his money more than his daughter. This is from “O, my ducats! O, my daughter!” (Act 2, Scene 8, Line 15). Here, it is evident that Shylock cares about his money more then his daughter, much less relationships. Another example from The Merchant of Venice is Bassanio. When Bassanio went to marry Portia, he cared more about how rich she was then his love for her. He had also stated that he was more concerned on the debts that he can settle when marrying then his love for her. From this, it can be seen that Bassanio's greed of money is very strong, such that he neglects his relationship. From these examples, it is clear that characters in The Merchant of Venice are very greedy over money.
Narrative Conflict
Mr Lim was extremely anxious and his heart pounded heavily. Having recently heard of friends who made big bucks in a short period of time, Mr Lim, an enthusiastic investor, wanted to followed suit. He considered embarking on stock manipulation, which was illegal in Singapore. He definitely knew that stock manipulation was against that law in Singapore, but he could not resist his greed of money. In his mind, he thought about the luxury he could enjoy if he succeeded. On the other hand, he was afraid of being caught. He had seen it in the news; it was a heavy sentence and a big fine for offenders of stock manipulation. Mr Lim was in a big dilemma. Eventually, he succumbed to his greed for money, embarked on illegal activites. For the first few days, he saw a sharp increase in his profits and was elated for making the right decision. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side and the law eventually caught up on him. Mr Lim was charge with three counts of stocks manipulating and was tried his caught. As he awaits the judge to read his sentence, he feels a deep sense of regret for his actions. All these would not have happened, if his greed of money had not gotten the better of him.
Monday, August 1, 2011
A: 15 seconds!
B: What? 15 seconds to New Year? Hey, its only June!
A: No! 15 seconds... no 13 seconds to impact.
B: You mean the spaceships crashing?
A: YEA! Quick, think of something!!
B: I cannot do anything!
A: What? 6000 hours of flight experience and this is all you can say!?
B: Sorry brother, but...
A: Do something! Just do something!!!
B: I am sorry. But I have some last words. All these while, it has been...
A: 8 seconds to impact...
B: It has been nice working with you, brother.
A: 5 seconds to impact...
B: You know, you are the best partner I have ever worked with.
A: Please, Please, make this work!!
B: You are the best person on Earth. My last moments on Earth... Bless my family.
A: 1 second.. NO!!! Please work!!
B: ...
A: OH YEA! It's working. My rescue pack is working!!
B: ...
A: You know, I modified this spaceship with this mini spaceship, that breaks away when deployed.
B: ...
A: Can you say something?
B: ...
A: Are you... dead?
B: ...
A: Gosh, you're breathing. Alright, I'm bringing you back to Earth immediately. Please Pull Through!
B: ...
B: What? 15 seconds to New Year? Hey, its only June!
A: No! 15 seconds... no 13 seconds to impact.
B: You mean the spaceships crashing?
A: YEA! Quick, think of something!!
B: I cannot do anything!
A: What? 6000 hours of flight experience and this is all you can say!?
B: Sorry brother, but...
A: Do something! Just do something!!!
B: I am sorry. But I have some last words. All these while, it has been...
A: 8 seconds to impact...
B: It has been nice working with you, brother.
A: 5 seconds to impact...
B: You know, you are the best partner I have ever worked with.
A: Please, Please, make this work!!
B: You are the best person on Earth. My last moments on Earth... Bless my family.
A: 1 second.. NO!!! Please work!!
B: ...
A: OH YEA! It's working. My rescue pack is working!!
B: ...
A: You know, I modified this spaceship with this mini spaceship, that breaks away when deployed.
B: ...
A: Can you say something?
B: ...
A: Are you... dead?
B: ...
A: Gosh, you're breathing. Alright, I'm bringing you back to Earth immediately. Please Pull Through!
B: ...
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Speech (ONLINE LESSON #11)
My Thesis: Racial Harmony Day does not do enough to sensitize students to racial issues
Good Afternoon Mr Lundberg and fellow classmates. I am Chng Ren Kai and today I am going to discuss about Racial Harmony Day's effectiveness in sensitizing students to racial issues.
Racial Harmony Day is celebrated once annually, on the 21st July. It introduces us to other races', and supposedly allows us to understand them better. This is done so as to prevent conflicts between races, in conjunction with the racial riots on this same day, in 1964. However, I feel that Racial Harmony Day does not do enough to sensitise students to racial issues.
Racial Harmony Day is frequently celebrated in the form of concerts. These concerts are usually a dance or a musical from another race. Although these concerts allow students to be introduced to other races, ultimately, it does not aid in teaching racial issues to students. Personally, I feel that such dances may even have an adverse effect. There were a few times where I saw students mocking another races' dance, after watching the performance. This totally defeats the purpose of having concerts as the actual meaning behind the dance is not to taught to students. This is a huge factor behind why I feel Racial Harmony Day is ineffective in sensitizing students to racial issues.
Another common event which I have encountered in my Primary School and Secondary School is the presence of a multi-cultural bazaar. I do acknowledge that this bazaars allow one to understand another race, through the food or games prepared. However, I believe that this may be ineffective. This is because most students merely prepare this food and games, for the sake of doing it. They do not understand what they were preparing and the meaning behind it. A recent example was during the Racial Harmony Day 2011 bazaar. I encountered a game booth with a very interesting gameplay. When I asked how this exciting game originated, the game vendors were confused. The only thing they could tell me was that this game originated from India. This once again shows that merely doing but not understanding does not help students in being sensitive to racial issues.
From my previous two experiences, it should be evident that the current structure of Racial Harmony Day does not do much in educating students on racial issues. Now, you will ask, then what is a good Racial Harmony Day. In my opinion, a good Racial Harmony Day has to engage the student, such that they get interested. Examples are entertaining video games, quizzes with attractive prizes, activities with friends etc. This mediums would definitely attract students, and in my opinion, would sensitize students to racial issues.
Once again, I would like to reinstate my point, that the current Racial Harmony Day does not do enough in sensitizing students to racial issues. Thank You.
Good Afternoon Mr Lundberg and fellow classmates. I am Chng Ren Kai and today I am going to discuss about Racial Harmony Day's effectiveness in sensitizing students to racial issues.
Racial Harmony Day is celebrated once annually, on the 21st July. It introduces us to other races', and supposedly allows us to understand them better. This is done so as to prevent conflicts between races, in conjunction with the racial riots on this same day, in 1964. However, I feel that Racial Harmony Day does not do enough to sensitise students to racial issues.
Racial Harmony Day is frequently celebrated in the form of concerts. These concerts are usually a dance or a musical from another race. Although these concerts allow students to be introduced to other races, ultimately, it does not aid in teaching racial issues to students. Personally, I feel that such dances may even have an adverse effect. There were a few times where I saw students mocking another races' dance, after watching the performance. This totally defeats the purpose of having concerts as the actual meaning behind the dance is not to taught to students. This is a huge factor behind why I feel Racial Harmony Day is ineffective in sensitizing students to racial issues.
Another common event which I have encountered in my Primary School and Secondary School is the presence of a multi-cultural bazaar. I do acknowledge that this bazaars allow one to understand another race, through the food or games prepared. However, I believe that this may be ineffective. This is because most students merely prepare this food and games, for the sake of doing it. They do not understand what they were preparing and the meaning behind it. A recent example was during the Racial Harmony Day 2011 bazaar. I encountered a game booth with a very interesting gameplay. When I asked how this exciting game originated, the game vendors were confused. The only thing they could tell me was that this game originated from India. This once again shows that merely doing but not understanding does not help students in being sensitive to racial issues.
From my previous two experiences, it should be evident that the current structure of Racial Harmony Day does not do much in educating students on racial issues. Now, you will ask, then what is a good Racial Harmony Day. In my opinion, a good Racial Harmony Day has to engage the student, such that they get interested. Examples are entertaining video games, quizzes with attractive prizes, activities with friends etc. This mediums would definitely attract students, and in my opinion, would sensitize students to racial issues.
Once again, I would like to reinstate my point, that the current Racial Harmony Day does not do enough in sensitizing students to racial issues. Thank You.
Monday, July 18, 2011
T3 Blog Prompt #7
If I were Antonio, I would have loaned Bassanio the money just like Antonio did. This is because Bassanio was a young man and a loyal friend. However, i might not loan him the money as Bassanio was a spendthrift and squanders away money.
Firstly, I would lend Bassanio the money as he was a young man and wanting to go to Belmont to woo Portia is not wrong. Since Bassanio needed money and I had it, I would not mind loaning him the money if it gives him a better future. Hence, I would loan Bassanio the money just like Antonio did.
Secondly, I would loan Bassanio the money as he was a very close and loyal friend. Since I had known him for years, loaning him money for a good cause is something that I should do. Furthermore, in past experiences when I loaned him money, he had never failed to pay me back, once again given me more reason to loan him the money. As such, I would loan Bassanio the money.
Lastly, on the other hand, I may not loan Bassanio the money. This was because Bassanio was a spendthrift and squander money away quickly. Even if he had returned the money to me, it would still have a detrimental effect on Bassanio as he would think that money would come easily for him and not work hard for it. As a very good friend of him, I would want the best for him and inculcate the habit of reaping what you sow into Bassanio. As such, I may not loan Bassanio the money.
In conclusion, I would loan Bassanio the money as he was a young man with a promising future and a very close and loyal friend.
Firstly, I would lend Bassanio the money as he was a young man and wanting to go to Belmont to woo Portia is not wrong. Since Bassanio needed money and I had it, I would not mind loaning him the money if it gives him a better future. Hence, I would loan Bassanio the money just like Antonio did.
Secondly, I would loan Bassanio the money as he was a very close and loyal friend. Since I had known him for years, loaning him money for a good cause is something that I should do. Furthermore, in past experiences when I loaned him money, he had never failed to pay me back, once again given me more reason to loan him the money. As such, I would loan Bassanio the money.
Lastly, on the other hand, I may not loan Bassanio the money. This was because Bassanio was a spendthrift and squander money away quickly. Even if he had returned the money to me, it would still have a detrimental effect on Bassanio as he would think that money would come easily for him and not work hard for it. As a very good friend of him, I would want the best for him and inculcate the habit of reaping what you sow into Bassanio. As such, I may not loan Bassanio the money.
In conclusion, I would loan Bassanio the money as he was a young man with a promising future and a very close and loyal friend.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What are the negative consequences of Apple's decision
Apple has refused to introduce the iTunes Music Store in Singapore, despite several requests by Singaporeans. Their main concern is the rampant piracy in Asia. Although this might have a short-term benefit in Singapore, I believe that there would be a long term detrimental effect on Apple,
Firstly, Apple would suffer a great profit loss because of not introducing the iTunes Music Store in Singapore. This because Asia, being the most densely populated continent, would have a great number of potential customers. Although there are a number of pirater, there would be an overall profit for Apple. This would be a great and significant loss of profit for Apple.
Secondly, Apple would lose trust from Singaporeans. By stating that Asia has rampant piracy, it is accusing Singaporeans of engaging in piracy. This is a very critical accusation as Singapore is known for its low crime rate and low piracy-engagement rate. By accusing Singapore, Singaporeans would be bound to develop hatred towards Apple, and strain their customer relationship.
However, Apple would also stand to gain from this decision. This decision shows that Apple are strict towards piracy and do not condone any form of it. This gives customers assurance that the company they are clients of have high standards and their credentials would not be compromised.
In conclusion, I believe that Apple refusing to introduce the iTunes Music Store in Singapore has more cons than pros.
Firstly, Apple would suffer a great profit loss because of not introducing the iTunes Music Store in Singapore. This because Asia, being the most densely populated continent, would have a great number of potential customers. Although there are a number of pirater, there would be an overall profit for Apple. This would be a great and significant loss of profit for Apple.
Secondly, Apple would lose trust from Singaporeans. By stating that Asia has rampant piracy, it is accusing Singaporeans of engaging in piracy. This is a very critical accusation as Singapore is known for its low crime rate and low piracy-engagement rate. By accusing Singapore, Singaporeans would be bound to develop hatred towards Apple, and strain their customer relationship.
However, Apple would also stand to gain from this decision. This decision shows that Apple are strict towards piracy and do not condone any form of it. This gives customers assurance that the company they are clients of have high standards and their credentials would not be compromised.
In conclusion, I believe that Apple refusing to introduce the iTunes Music Store in Singapore has more cons than pros.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Narrative prose, without adjectives.
"Hey you!" I heard a yell towards my direction. I turned around and saw a youngster glaring at me. I was frightened while he menaced at me. He stepped towards me, and I broke out in sweat.
"Give me your phone!" He blurted at me. I was stunned for a moment. I shook my head and refused to oblige. The youngster glared at me for a second, and then lost his cool. He charged at me swiftly, and delivered a punch into my cheek. I fell backwards, dazed by the impact. My cheek was engulfed in pain. I felt like I was about to die... Then all became dark.
Where was I? I thought to myself. I woke up on a bed, in a place familiar to me. I could hear birds chirping and trees rustling. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. It was coming closer towards me. I panicked, a my memory of my previous experience flashed through my mind. I saw the silhouette of a person. I screamed out loud in terror. Then, I realised it was my mother.
She then told me what had happened. It turned out that it was a just a dream. However, my phone was nowhere to be found. Till this day, I am still unable to explain this circumstance...
"Give me your phone!" He blurted at me. I was stunned for a moment. I shook my head and refused to oblige. The youngster glared at me for a second, and then lost his cool. He charged at me swiftly, and delivered a punch into my cheek. I fell backwards, dazed by the impact. My cheek was engulfed in pain. I felt like I was about to die... Then all became dark.
Where was I? I thought to myself. I woke up on a bed, in a place familiar to me. I could hear birds chirping and trees rustling. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. It was coming closer towards me. I panicked, a my memory of my previous experience flashed through my mind. I saw the silhouette of a person. I screamed out loud in terror. Then, I realised it was my mother.
She then told me what had happened. It turned out that it was a just a dream. However, my phone was nowhere to be found. Till this day, I am still unable to explain this circumstance...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
In-class Online Lesson 9 (R&R War Poetry)
Passage A:
1. They are describing Cannons.
2. These "jackies" are common sailers, who served during the war-time. The sailors are singing war chanties because they came out victorious in a war.
3. “The shovel is brother to the gun” means to say that war and death are connected inevitably. The "shovel" represents Death, while the "gun" represents War. Sandburg wants to tell, through the poem, that war will inevitably lead to deaths.
Passage B:
4. It is to show how easily the soldiers and the citizens obey each other in the midst of war. As stanza 1 shows war in destruction and seriousness, shows how the soldiers destroy the citizen’s living area. While in stanza 2, it shows the hopeful side, as the soldiers sees the citizens having to rebuild the city they have lost in the midst of war.
5. The contrasting actions make the poem have 2 different sides, tones and point of view. The first stanza shows seriousness, while the second shows hope. The author’s attitude towards the soldiers are that they are only made for war, which he does not approve of, which also shows a negative attitude towards them. But the author’s attitude towards the citizens is mainly positive, showing how they rebuilding what seems not to be the first time.
6. I think its harder to build everything up again. This is because to destroy, not much effort is needed to destroy, but to build back up something is very difficult because no matter how hard someone tries to put back everything together, it will never be the same again. An example is the recent japan earthquakes. The tallest and strongest buildings all came down within a few minutes, and this shows how easily things are destroyed, and how hard it is to build everything up again.
Passage C:
7. The onomatopoeia represents new machines that no longer use motors anymore, yet to be invented by scientist, deadlier, stronger, better, faster.
8. Gaddafi is a good example. Previously he used to rule a lot of people and everyone had to follow his orders. But recently after a few days of rioting, he has fallen and now is wanted by the police. This is because the people had enough of him and does not approve of his style of ruling.
1. They are describing Cannons.
2. These "jackies" are common sailers, who served during the war-time. The sailors are singing war chanties because they came out victorious in a war.
3. “The shovel is brother to the gun” means to say that war and death are connected inevitably. The "shovel" represents Death, while the "gun" represents War. Sandburg wants to tell, through the poem, that war will inevitably lead to deaths.
Passage B:
4. It is to show how easily the soldiers and the citizens obey each other in the midst of war. As stanza 1 shows war in destruction and seriousness, shows how the soldiers destroy the citizen’s living area. While in stanza 2, it shows the hopeful side, as the soldiers sees the citizens having to rebuild the city they have lost in the midst of war.
5. The contrasting actions make the poem have 2 different sides, tones and point of view. The first stanza shows seriousness, while the second shows hope. The author’s attitude towards the soldiers are that they are only made for war, which he does not approve of, which also shows a negative attitude towards them. But the author’s attitude towards the citizens is mainly positive, showing how they rebuilding what seems not to be the first time.
6. I think its harder to build everything up again. This is because to destroy, not much effort is needed to destroy, but to build back up something is very difficult because no matter how hard someone tries to put back everything together, it will never be the same again. An example is the recent japan earthquakes. The tallest and strongest buildings all came down within a few minutes, and this shows how easily things are destroyed, and how hard it is to build everything up again.
Passage C:
7. The onomatopoeia represents new machines that no longer use motors anymore, yet to be invented by scientist, deadlier, stronger, better, faster.
8. Gaddafi is a good example. Previously he used to rule a lot of people and everyone had to follow his orders. But recently after a few days of rioting, he has fallen and now is wanted by the police. This is because the people had enough of him and does not approve of his style of ruling.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
In-class Online Lesson 9
Fighting wars, killing enemies,
I see many dead bodies.
So many soldier are all dead,
So much sacrifices have been made,
War is challenging, war is tough,
It is not something for us to laugh.
As we sadly mourn the dead,
We wonder who would be next.
Everyday we fight in fear,
Treasuring our lives, so dear.
We yearn the end of this meaningless war,
when we can end all this bloody gore.
I see many dead bodies.
So many soldier are all dead,
So much sacrifices have been made,
War is challenging, war is tough,
It is not something for us to laugh.
As we sadly mourn the dead,
We wonder who would be next.
Everyday we fight in fear,
Treasuring our lives, so dear.
We yearn the end of this meaningless war,
when we can end all this bloody gore.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
One-Sentence Narrative Scene
I was standing in a garden surrounded with trees and flower in the north eastern part of the Republic of Singapore on a very tranquil and calm beautiful Sunday afternoon and enjoying the beautiful scenery when a fat and short blur-looking boy entered the garden with big foot steps and loud stomps till he reached the sturdy wooden benches in the middle of the garden and let out a long and loud fart and after which he calmly sat down on of the wooden benches and took out three burgers and gobbled them down in a matter of seconds with a big smile on his face.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Will same-sex marriage ever become legal in Singapore?
The Singapore Government is bound to legalize same-sex in Singapore in the future. This can be seen from past statements by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, stating that gay is alright. From this, Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew, shows that Singaporeans accept how others are and not ostracize them because they are different in the way they dress, behave and beliefs. As such, the law of Singapore is bound to evolve and allow same-sex marriage in the future. Thus, the Singapore Government would one day legalise same-sex marriage.
Secondly, the Singapore Government is also bound to legalize same-sex marriage in Singapore as there is a rising pressure on Singapore to do so. Around the world, 11 countries and several states legalize same-sex marriage, with the latest addition being New York. This shows that more places around the world are recognising same-sex marriage and if Singapore does not follow suit, this may be seen by others as a form of discrimination and unfairness. Thus, the Singapore Government would one day legalise same-sex marriage.
Secondly, the Singapore Government is also bound to legalize same-sex marriage in Singapore as there is a rising pressure on Singapore to do so. Around the world, 11 countries and several states legalize same-sex marriage, with the latest addition being New York. This shows that more places around the world are recognising same-sex marriage and if Singapore does not follow suit, this may be seen by others as a form of discrimination and unfairness. Thus, the Singapore Government would one day legalise same-sex marriage.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Most Interesting thing during Home-Based Learning
From the 24th to 25th of May, there was a Home-Based Learning activity. The most interesting thing, in my opinion was the Mathematics Lesson. The Mathematics lesson was different from ordinary lessons, and something I had not done before. During the lesson, I was introduced to a fantastic program, known as GeoGebra. As the name suggests, it combines Geographical lines and shapes, bundled with algebra. In the program, you could use the various shapes and lines to form up a lot of different objects, from houses, to trucks. For the Home-Based Learning, my assignment was to draw up a meaningful image in an A4 size. For me, I designed a bus in an A4 size. Overall, I felt this activity very engaging and meaningful as Maths may not be all about numbers, but can also be the the surrounding around us.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"Rainbow Death" by Hubert Wilson
1. Whose Point of View
Statement: The poem is from the point of view of an American fighting in the Vietnam War
Evidence: He wrote "America did not foresee"
Elaboration: He is writing from the side of an American, suggesting he was an American soldier.
2. Situation and Setting
Statement: It was depicted in a war-torn place, where people are suffering from the aftershocks of war.
Evidence: "Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!" and"Generations untold will pay"
Elaboration: It shows how terribly people would suffer from the aftershocks of the Vietnam War.
3. Language/Diction
Statement: It uses a calm and respectful tone but its argument is strong and clear
Evidence: The poet's words are polite and not impulsive but his points are crystal clear and to the point.
Elaboration: Through this, the poet wants to express his anger and rage against the American Government for waging the Vietnam War but does not want to offend anyone.
4. Personal Response
Statement: The poet believes that the Vietnam War has strong detrimental effects on both the Americans and the Vietnamese.
Evidence: This is supported by "... pay a high price" and "Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn"
Elaboration: The poet shows how the Vietnam War results in tragic days for the people.
Statement: The poem is from the point of view of an American fighting in the Vietnam War
Evidence: He wrote "America did not foresee"
Elaboration: He is writing from the side of an American, suggesting he was an American soldier.
2. Situation and Setting
Statement: It was depicted in a war-torn place, where people are suffering from the aftershocks of war.
Evidence: "Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!" and"Generations untold will pay"
Elaboration: It shows how terribly people would suffer from the aftershocks of the Vietnam War.
3. Language/Diction
Statement: It uses a calm and respectful tone but its argument is strong and clear
Evidence: The poet's words are polite and not impulsive but his points are crystal clear and to the point.
Elaboration: Through this, the poet wants to express his anger and rage against the American Government for waging the Vietnam War but does not want to offend anyone.
4. Personal Response
Statement: The poet believes that the Vietnam War has strong detrimental effects on both the Americans and the Vietnamese.
Evidence: This is supported by "... pay a high price" and "Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn"
Elaboration: The poet shows how the Vietnam War results in tragic days for the people.
"Rainbow Death" by Hubert Wilson
Rainbow Death is a poem about how destructive the Vietnam War was, both for the Americans and the Vietnamese. The poet wanted to show our the America did not consider carefully the pros and the cons of starting a war with Vietnam. He expresses his disappointment by saying 'America did not foresee'. He also describes how much hardship the people will suffer, both the current generation and future generation. Last but not least, the poet wanted to show how the damage of the war can be long-lasting. He cites the examples of the Agent Orange spray, a widely used herb in during the war. The herb was harmful to humans millions of people suffered from severe health problems. In conclusion, this poem describes how detrimental the Vietnam War was for the people and future generations.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Osama's Capture
Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda leader being assassinated was a good option in my opinion. By killing him, the US Navy can successfully complete their mission without having to have any fear of him causing any more terror. This is because if Osama was captured, and brought back to the United States to undergo a trial, there would be a huge possibility of him escaping during the journey. With his large network of allies, it is likely for him to be rescued by his acquaintances. If that happens, Osama would be plotting a revenge attack, that would cause widespread harm to people. Thus, in my opinion, the assassination of Osama bin Laden by the US Navy SEALs in Pakistan was a justified one.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Making NS mandatory develops Singaporean boys into men
Every Singaporean boy is required to enlist for National Service (NS) for 2 years when they reach 18. This turns boys into men, through hardship and perseverance. It is very beneficial as boys will grow into tougher people, who do not give up easily when they grow up. Thus, making National Service mandatory to all Singaporean boys would be very useful in nurturing boys.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Teamwork in GE 2011 Parties Posters
In my opinion, I feel that the People Action Party's (PAP) poster shows more teamwork. This is because the PAP's poster has one clear leader, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, and 4 other members behind him, listening to him. I think this team exhibits more teamwork as the five candidates are all listening from one leader and work orderly.
Friday, April 29, 2011
ICT platforms in Future School
Hwa Chong Institution, being a Future School, has several online platforms to aid learning. Examples are the Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (iVLE) and the Electronic Message Board (EMB). These platforms are very useful as students can access learning materials from virtually anywhere, and can revise notes without carrying books and worksheets around. This has greatly affect our way of learning, making it more convenient and easy to study.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
In Class Online Lesson 7
Photo chosen : 
Courtesy of http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_8492000/8492777.stm
I chose this photo as it had a very strong depiction of how the consequences of war were like. The photo depicted two soldiers, helping out one of their fellow soldier, who was injured. This was a good way to show how terrible the consequences can be. The photographer also took the photograph such that the injured soldier can be seen clutching a rifle. This added to the atmosphere that the injured soldier was determined to pull through his injury and continues to fight for victory. Also, the three soldiers were crouching behind a pile of scrap metals, suggesting that the soldiers had escaped from their enemies sight, and are hiding while aiding an injured person. This adds to the suspense of the photo, showing that the enemies could appear and ambush them anytime. The photographer made the photograph in colours black and white, which shows that the mood of the soldiers are sombre, as they look on at a injured soldier in agony. The soldier on the far right was also closing his eyes, showing that he was likely to have been praying for his companion, praying that he pull through this trauma alive.
Courtesy of http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_8492000/8492777.stm
I chose this photo as it had a very strong depiction of how the consequences of war were like. The photo depicted two soldiers, helping out one of their fellow soldier, who was injured. This was a good way to show how terrible the consequences can be. The photographer also took the photograph such that the injured soldier can be seen clutching a rifle. This added to the atmosphere that the injured soldier was determined to pull through his injury and continues to fight for victory. Also, the three soldiers were crouching behind a pile of scrap metals, suggesting that the soldiers had escaped from their enemies sight, and are hiding while aiding an injured person. This adds to the suspense of the photo, showing that the enemies could appear and ambush them anytime. The photographer made the photograph in colours black and white, which shows that the mood of the soldiers are sombre, as they look on at a injured soldier in agony. The soldier on the far right was also closing his eyes, showing that he was likely to have been praying for his companion, praying that he pull through this trauma alive.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Does caffeine have beneficial or harmful effects on the body?
Drinking caffeine would cause the body to have harmful effects in the long run. Caffeine, is a type of substance that is known to known to stimulate the brain and make us more alert, that can be found in beverages such as coffee, tea, root beer and many more. Caffeine is harmful as it affects as our mind by making us extremely alert, giving us problems after the caffeine wears out or when we would like to rest. In conclusion, the consumption of caffeine is harmful to our body.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Do we still need heroes (Essay)
Heroes are important to the society and are needed today and possibly in the future. There are different types of heroes. The first type of heroes are those people who are courageous to stand up for their own rights. The second type of heroes are people who are brave to take a bold move and accomplish a significant milestone. The last type of heroes are those who are creative enough to invent appliances to help man live better.
Firstly, heroes are people who are courageous enough to stand up for what they believe is right. One example is Atticus in the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. In the novel, he had the courage to defend Tom Robinson, who was a black man, although it was considered wrong for a white man to do so. Atticus had done so as he believed that it was morally correct to defend someone who had not done anything wrong. He had demonstrated courage an stood up for what is right and is a hero. Without these type of people, the world would be full of unscrupulous people, who would anything to benefit themselves.
Secondly, heroes are people who take bold actions to achieve significant milestones. One example is Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. These two heroes had taken bold actions and were the first people in the world to ever conquer Mount Everest. Despite many people having failed in their attempts to conquer Mt Everest, these two heroes had persevered through their climb and accomplish a great achievement.
Last but not least, heroes are people who are creative and invent useful appliances to help man live better. One example is the great inventor, Thomas Edison. He had spent a lot of effort and persevered a lot to invent light, which is very useful to mankind. Thomas Edison had demonstrated bold courage to persevere and is a hero. Without these type of people, all mankind would be leading miserable tough lives, without any products to help us in our daily lives.
In conclusion, heroes are needed in society today and in the future. This is because heroes are the ones who make the world a better place to be in and accomplish milestones for the world.
Firstly, heroes are people who are courageous enough to stand up for what they believe is right. One example is Atticus in the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. In the novel, he had the courage to defend Tom Robinson, who was a black man, although it was considered wrong for a white man to do so. Atticus had done so as he believed that it was morally correct to defend someone who had not done anything wrong. He had demonstrated courage an stood up for what is right and is a hero. Without these type of people, the world would be full of unscrupulous people, who would anything to benefit themselves.
Secondly, heroes are people who take bold actions to achieve significant milestones. One example is Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. These two heroes had taken bold actions and were the first people in the world to ever conquer Mount Everest. Despite many people having failed in their attempts to conquer Mt Everest, these two heroes had persevered through their climb and accomplish a great achievement.
Last but not least, heroes are people who are creative and invent useful appliances to help man live better. One example is the great inventor, Thomas Edison. He had spent a lot of effort and persevered a lot to invent light, which is very useful to mankind. Thomas Edison had demonstrated bold courage to persevere and is a hero. Without these type of people, all mankind would be leading miserable tough lives, without any products to help us in our daily lives.
In conclusion, heroes are needed in society today and in the future. This is because heroes are the ones who make the world a better place to be in and accomplish milestones for the world.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Do we still need heroes?
Heroes exist in every society, big or small. They are the brave people, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for others. In my opinion, we still need heroes today, and very likely, in the future too. Without heroes, our society would be very timid, and no willing to try out new endeavors. However, heroes need not be brave people. They are just ordinary people, who what the courage and will to do something not tried before by others. They can be scientists, doctors, engineers or inventors. In conclusion, I believe that we still need heroes as they are the ones that allow our society to have major breakthroughs and complete great milestones.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Most important thing from Reading and Reasoning Exercise
Reading and Reasoning Exercises helps me to understand and comprehend things better. It helped me to understand essays and articles better by finding the reasons being the author saying a certain phrase. The exercises required me to put on thinking caps and think creatively to be able to understand the true meaning of the story. In conclusion, the Reading and Reasoning exercises were detrimental in improving my inference skills.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Prejudice leading to war
Prejudice is the act of a certain group of people, discriminating another group of people. It can result of skin colour, religion, beliefs etc. The consequences of prejudice are severe and can eventually result in violence and riots. At times, when prejudice get more serious, riots can escalate in to civil wars. One example is the World War II, when the Nazis, led by the dictator, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler had been strongly against the Jews, blaming them for much of the failure in his life. In the war, Hitler tortured the Jews cruelly. This is an example of prejudice that escalates and lead to a serious war.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Letter of encouragement
Dear Survivors,
I have heard about the horrible earthquake that struck Japan and triggered a tsunami. Today, I would like to give you some encouragement and hope so that you can pull through this disaster strong.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate all Japanese on how well they had pulled through this disaster. They were able to stay strong to all tough times, and the total death toll had not crossed the 50,000 mark.
Secondly, I am also very impressed with the helping spirit of the Japanese. I have read many articles of Japanese people giving way to one another in the trains, buses and other public transports. This is very kind of the Japanese and we, as foreigners have a lot to learn.
You have survived the earthquake, this is something special and shows how much will to survive you have. You have overcame the first part, so now, persevere, so that you know that all effort that you put in are not in vain. I wish you the best in the challenges that come.
Ren Kai
I have heard about the horrible earthquake that struck Japan and triggered a tsunami. Today, I would like to give you some encouragement and hope so that you can pull through this disaster strong.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate all Japanese on how well they had pulled through this disaster. They were able to stay strong to all tough times, and the total death toll had not crossed the 50,000 mark.
Secondly, I am also very impressed with the helping spirit of the Japanese. I have read many articles of Japanese people giving way to one another in the trains, buses and other public transports. This is very kind of the Japanese and we, as foreigners have a lot to learn.
You have survived the earthquake, this is something special and shows how much will to survive you have. You have overcame the first part, so now, persevere, so that you know that all effort that you put in are not in vain. I wish you the best in the challenges that come.
Ren Kai
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
UBIQ -- The Mysterious Magical Aerosol Spray
UBIQ has been the company dominating the aerosol sprays industry for the past 10 years. It has been producing several high quality products resulting in 100% customers satisfaction. With our newest product, the Mysterious Magical Aerosol Spray, UBIQ changed the industry, transforming the market into one with the best quality. UBIQ ensures that the products are affordable, but at the same time, not compromising on its quality. UBIQ is definitely the choice for consumers.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
News Story
An article that I had read was bout the radiation disaster in Japan. I had read about it in Newsweek magazine. It described about the various types of radiations and how it affected humans. It also describe the names and how you might be affected by these radiation. I felt that this article was very informative and I was more knowledgable on these radiation. However, in my opinion, the article could have added in more details like how you can prevent yourself from contracting these radiation. Also, it could have also described the ways to cure yourself from radiation.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Letter to The Straits Times Editor
Dear editor,
I have read about the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March. I totally emphatise with the victims of the quake. This disastrous quake also sparked a horrific tsunami causing even more drastic damage, adding more salt to the wound. To support the Japanese through this disaster, I had donated some money to the Red Cross Society. Though it was not a big sum, I believe it would help the Japanese. As the saying goes, a chopstick breaks easily but ten chopsticks put together cannot break easily. If everyone plays a part, a significant difference could be seen.
I had also thought what if a similar incident happens to our society. Would we be able to survive, or just go down crashing like a bowling pin? This incident made recall the recent article in the Straits Times, commemorating the 20th anniversary of SQ 117, the flight that was hijacked by 4 Pakistanis. In that incident, there were no loss of lives and the 119 passengers made out of the incident unscathed. The four hijackers were taken down by 4 master-marksman would took just 30 seconds to identify the hijackers and take them down. As Senior Minister S.Jayakumar said 'They made Singapore proud".
This incident shows that though we may be a small country with a small population, we have sturdy people who can pull through hard times. I believe if these earthquakes and tsunamis happen to us, we would be able pull through, as well as Japan did.
Yours Sincerely,
Ren Kai
I have read about the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March. I totally emphatise with the victims of the quake. This disastrous quake also sparked a horrific tsunami causing even more drastic damage, adding more salt to the wound. To support the Japanese through this disaster, I had donated some money to the Red Cross Society. Though it was not a big sum, I believe it would help the Japanese. As the saying goes, a chopstick breaks easily but ten chopsticks put together cannot break easily. If everyone plays a part, a significant difference could be seen.
I had also thought what if a similar incident happens to our society. Would we be able to survive, or just go down crashing like a bowling pin? This incident made recall the recent article in the Straits Times, commemorating the 20th anniversary of SQ 117, the flight that was hijacked by 4 Pakistanis. In that incident, there were no loss of lives and the 119 passengers made out of the incident unscathed. The four hijackers were taken down by 4 master-marksman would took just 30 seconds to identify the hijackers and take them down. As Senior Minister S.Jayakumar said 'They made Singapore proud".
This incident shows that though we may be a small country with a small population, we have sturdy people who can pull through hard times. I believe if these earthquakes and tsunamis happen to us, we would be able pull through, as well as Japan did.
Yours Sincerely,
Ren Kai
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Literature, is the art of words, where writers use words to express their feelings and thoughts. I feel that literature is not just words, but deeper, where writers hide their true opinions and readers have to infer to find them out. We see usage of literature everyday and everywhere, from the newspapers to story books, poems to letters. There are also several literature writings by famous writers such as William Shakespeare. These literature pieces are engaging as the writers use beautiful and elegant phrases to write stories, thus greatly captivating the attention of read. In conclusion, literature, to me, is the skill that writers use to create beautiful writings made up of words intelligently used.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Racism is discrimination of people due to their race. Racism can be very serious, and can result in fights, quarrels and disputes. In Singapore, several actions have been taken by the Government to combat racism. An example is the introduction of Racial Harmony Day, celebrated on 21st July every year. This promotes racial harmony in Singapore and prevents conflicts that arise from racism.
Another method Singapore has done is to ensure an equal proportion of different races living in a HDB estate. This ensures that not too many residents of one race stay in a block. This also allows different races to bond together, and also promotes harmony between different races. In my opinion, racial harmony and can be extended to other aspects. For example, football teams in Singapore can have a limit of a certain race. There should be a fair number of Chinese, Malays, and Indians. In conclusion, I feel that Singapore has done enough to combat racism but more can be done to curb racism even more.
Another method Singapore has done is to ensure an equal proportion of different races living in a HDB estate. This ensures that not too many residents of one race stay in a block. This also allows different races to bond together, and also promotes harmony between different races. In my opinion, racial harmony and can be extended to other aspects. For example, football teams in Singapore can have a limit of a certain race. There should be a fair number of Chinese, Malays, and Indians. In conclusion, I feel that Singapore has done enough to combat racism but more can be done to curb racism even more.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
CIP experience
On the 21st of March, Class 2O4 went on a CIP journey to St Andrew's Cathedral, Home for the Aged, to bring cheer and happiness to the residents there. We were prepared with cleaning equipment to clean up the Home. We also prepared a performance of 5 songs to perform to the elderly. When we first reached, all of us were clueless of what to do, and we stared at the elderly while they stared back blankly at us. However, after some advice from our teachers, we started engaging in meaningful conversations with the elderly. I found this a very great opportunity to understand their life at the Home. We also learnt about some about their life, from what languages they spoke to what Secondary School they came from. The biggest thing that I learnt from this experience was that I understood the way the elderly behave. Though they may look quite grouchy and unfriendly, they are actually jovial people who were very keen in sharing their life experiences to us. This is very useful as it changes my stereotype impression of elderly as being cold people. In conclusion, I felt that this CIP experience was very meaningful and enriching and I hope to have such experience again in the future.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
What I learnt from Mississippi
From the movie Mississippi Burning, I have learnt a lot about racism in the past. In the past, the Blacks were severely discriminated by the Whites. The Whites were very abusive and violent towards the Blacks, and in some causes, beaten them up and hanged those who were innocent, and burnt their houses.
I feel that this is very wrong. The Whites should not discriminate people just because of their different skin colour. As the saying goes, 'Don't judge a book by its cover', we should not treat people differently just people of how they look, but rather, their behaviour and personality.
I feel that this is very wrong. The Whites should not discriminate people just because of their different skin colour. As the saying goes, 'Don't judge a book by its cover', we should not treat people differently just people of how they look, but rather, their behaviour and personality.

2) My favourite photo is this photo of my condominium.
1st : This was taken on a late Sunday afternoon, when families were relaxing at the swimming pool.
2nd : The atmosphere was great and frequent laughter could be heard.
3rd : Although it was quite hot, many people were having a whale of time spending time with friends and relatives.
4th : The water was a clear blue, and it was so cooling, the perfect place to relax in.
3) "opened onto a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel, a very comfortable tunnel without smoke'
This sentence uses the technique repetition to emphasise on the type of tunnel.
"The tunnel wound on and on"
This sentence uses repetition
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Neighborhood where I live
The neighborhood where I live has a park nearby. At the park, people can play basketball, football, jog, all just play with family members at the playground.
In the park, the air is always very fresh, and you can always see green trees and grasses all around the park. You can also hear the lively chirping of birds, flying around, or standing on the huge trees. There is also occasional cool breeze that makes one's visit to the park a very memorable one.
In the park, the air is always very fresh, and you can always see green trees and grasses all around the park. You can also hear the lively chirping of birds, flying around, or standing on the huge trees. There is also occasional cool breeze that makes one's visit to the park a very memorable one.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Childhood memory
My most vivid childhood memory was when I received my 1st in class award in Primary One. It was my first time ever, walking on to the stage, shaking hands, and receiving the prize from the Principal. It was very memorable and it was something that had a big effect on me. Ever since that day, I told myself to study hard and have more opportunities like that to go up stage and receive prizes again.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I climbed out of the window, and did a head-first dive into the sea. The water was freezing, but that was the least of my worries. I swam deeper, and soaked myself in the salty water. How refreshing!
“Dad! ... Dad!!” the voice of a young boy came floating into my mind. I wondered where that voice came from when a persistent tap on my shoulder jolted me out of my daydream. It was my son. I realised I had been daydreaming, reminiscing about the past when I was a boy at the kampong in Pulau Ubin. In those days, my house was built of wooden sticks and floated on the water, and whenever I wanted, I could leap out of the window, into the sea and enjoy the calmness of the waters.
“Dad, may I play the computer?” my son, Sam, pleaded me. I gave him my consent and advised him not to play for too long. In my time, there was not even a computer, much less to play it. These days, children have the luxury to surf the net and play online games on a computer, something that was never heard of in those days when I was a boy.
I started reminiscing again thought of how I used to spend my time those days, when there were no computers or gaming devices to pass my time. I used to join my neighbours at the seashore where we would play catching, build sandcastles and sometimes collect seashells. I can fondly recall once when one of my neighbours, Ahmad, who was two years my senior, went as far buying a seashell from which I picked for 5 comic books because he wanted to complete his collection of seashells which consisted of a variety of colours. Seeing his desperateness as an opportunity for more comics, I negotiated for 15 comic books. Ahmad was very reluctant but eventually, he agreed and I walked home victoriously that day, the proud owner of 15 more comic books, more than half of those being new books.
“Paul! Can you help me get a sack of rice?” I was awoken once again, this time by my wife. As I started my car, getting ready to drive to the supermarket, I thought about how convenient life was in the past. The provision shop selling daily necessities was just across the road. There was not even a need to take public transports, much less drive a car. Today, the nearest supermarket is 2 kilometres away, and a car is a must-have.
As I queued up in the snarling queue to pay for the sack of rice, I could not help thinking how easy it was to pay for my purchases in the past. We rarely used money but rather, did something in return. I can vividly recall that the provision shop was our neighbour, Uncle Beng. When we purchased things from him, we would pay him in several other ways. I remember once when I “bought” a packet of sweets and 2 can drinks from him, all I had to do was to help him carry 3 boxes of canned food from the delivery truck to his shop. It was as simple as that back then.
After returning home, and spending some time reading the newspapers, it was late in the night. I was tussling on the bed but still could not sleep peacefully. It was because of the sound of a few teenage boys who were having a party at the void deck. I wished that I can experience again the tranquillity of the night back in my days in the kampong. At night, the only sound that could be heard of was the calm sweeping of the waves in the sea. It was the ideal environment to sleep and rejuvenate.
After a period of time, I finally managed to sleep, and I thought about how much difference there was between the past and the present. There are so many differences in life in the past, the present and probably, the future. As I slowly drifted to sleep, I thought about a word to describe all this happenings. There could only be an answer. Change.
“Dad! ... Dad!!” the voice of a young boy came floating into my mind. I wondered where that voice came from when a persistent tap on my shoulder jolted me out of my daydream. It was my son. I realised I had been daydreaming, reminiscing about the past when I was a boy at the kampong in Pulau Ubin. In those days, my house was built of wooden sticks and floated on the water, and whenever I wanted, I could leap out of the window, into the sea and enjoy the calmness of the waters.
“Dad, may I play the computer?” my son, Sam, pleaded me. I gave him my consent and advised him not to play for too long. In my time, there was not even a computer, much less to play it. These days, children have the luxury to surf the net and play online games on a computer, something that was never heard of in those days when I was a boy.
I started reminiscing again thought of how I used to spend my time those days, when there were no computers or gaming devices to pass my time. I used to join my neighbours at the seashore where we would play catching, build sandcastles and sometimes collect seashells. I can fondly recall once when one of my neighbours, Ahmad, who was two years my senior, went as far buying a seashell from which I picked for 5 comic books because he wanted to complete his collection of seashells which consisted of a variety of colours. Seeing his desperateness as an opportunity for more comics, I negotiated for 15 comic books. Ahmad was very reluctant but eventually, he agreed and I walked home victoriously that day, the proud owner of 15 more comic books, more than half of those being new books.
“Paul! Can you help me get a sack of rice?” I was awoken once again, this time by my wife. As I started my car, getting ready to drive to the supermarket, I thought about how convenient life was in the past. The provision shop selling daily necessities was just across the road. There was not even a need to take public transports, much less drive a car. Today, the nearest supermarket is 2 kilometres away, and a car is a must-have.
As I queued up in the snarling queue to pay for the sack of rice, I could not help thinking how easy it was to pay for my purchases in the past. We rarely used money but rather, did something in return. I can vividly recall that the provision shop was our neighbour, Uncle Beng. When we purchased things from him, we would pay him in several other ways. I remember once when I “bought” a packet of sweets and 2 can drinks from him, all I had to do was to help him carry 3 boxes of canned food from the delivery truck to his shop. It was as simple as that back then.
After returning home, and spending some time reading the newspapers, it was late in the night. I was tussling on the bed but still could not sleep peacefully. It was because of the sound of a few teenage boys who were having a party at the void deck. I wished that I can experience again the tranquillity of the night back in my days in the kampong. At night, the only sound that could be heard of was the calm sweeping of the waves in the sea. It was the ideal environment to sleep and rejuvenate.
After a period of time, I finally managed to sleep, and I thought about how much difference there was between the past and the present. There are so many differences in life in the past, the present and probably, the future. As I slowly drifted to sleep, I thought about a word to describe all this happenings. There could only be an answer. Change.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Favourite Movie
My favourite movie is Night At the Museum, which I watched in 2006. The movie is about a guard, who just started working as a nightguard at a museum, realised that all the things in the museum come alive at night because of an ancient Egyptian tablet. 3 crooks then try to steal the tablet and the nightguard tries to stop them.
My favourite scene in the movie is when the nightguard tries to catch these crooks, with the help of other characters that came alive in the museum. The scene was dramatic, as there were a variety of characters coming to live, from ancient cavemen, to the Romans, the scene was chaotic but eventually, the good emerged victorious against the bad.
My favourite scene in the movie is when the nightguard tries to catch these crooks, with the help of other characters that came alive in the museum. The scene was dramatic, as there were a variety of characters coming to live, from ancient cavemen, to the Romans, the scene was chaotic but eventually, the good emerged victorious against the bad.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Favourite To Kill A Mockingbird Character
My favourite character in the story book, To Kill a Mockingbird is Jem. He is my favourtie character as he is a very kind person who is very protective of his younger sister, Scout. There was once in the story when he tried to save Scout from crooks and broke his arm in the process. He is also a very mature person who would advice Scout what to do and what not to do. He is also a very generous boy who would buy things for his sister whenever he bought something for himself. There was once when he bought a steam train for himself, and was also very kind to buy a baton for his sister, with his own money.
In conclusion, Jem is a very generous and kind person who is willing to sacrifice himself for others, and hence is my favourtie character in To Kill a Mockingbird.
In conclusion, Jem is a very generous and kind person who is willing to sacrifice himself for others, and hence is my favourtie character in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Favourtie Fictional Character
My favourtie fictional character is Superman from the comic series ' Justice League '. He is my favourtie character as he has strong determination and always perseveres to do the right thing, no matter how many people are against. He has strong will power to save innocent people from evil enemies. He is etched in my memories as I can never forget watching Superman's risky actions just to save people from harm.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Favourtie Memory of Chinese New Year
My favourtie memory of Chinese New Year is the food that I got to eat and the red packets that I received. The food that are available are delicious and it is seldom that I get to eat it during ordinary days. Chinese New Year, being a once in a year event, is something that i definitely look forward every year. The goodies come in a large variety and are all equally tantalizing.
The red packets are also that I like of the Chinese New Year. Every year during Chinese New Year, I would receive several red packets and the total amount of red packet money I have at the end is usually a few hundred dollar,
In conclusion, my favourtie memory of Chinese New Year is eating the mouth-watering food and receiving red packets.
The red packets are also that I like of the Chinese New Year. Every year during Chinese New Year, I would receive several red packets and the total amount of red packet money I have at the end is usually a few hundred dollar,
In conclusion, my favourtie memory of Chinese New Year is eating the mouth-watering food and receiving red packets.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Situation where you collaborated intensely with another person
A situation where I worked intensely with others was once during a project in Primary 6. I was working in a group of three and had to come out with a detailed presentation on Planets. We only had two days left to complete the project and I vividly remember us staying up late at night, discussing our project. Eventually, after a lot of hard work, we did manage to complete it but it was not of a very good quality and we ended up getting only a 'B' grade, making us very disappointed.
From that experience, I learnt that as long as we are willing to put in that extra amount of effort, we would be able to achieve our goals.
From that experience, I learnt that as long as we are willing to put in that extra amount of effort, we would be able to achieve our goals.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Reflection on 'Comic Strip' Home Learning
I feel that the Home Learning Lesson was very fun and enriching. I got to use comic strips to express my thoughts on a subject. I believe this is a good way to let one express their thoughts and viewpoints, as I have no limits on what I would want to do.
From this experience, I learnt to use comic strips softwares to create my own comics, something that I have never done before. I enjoyed myself greatly doing this comic strips and I would definitely do it again in the future.
From this experience, I learnt to use comic strips softwares to create my own comics, something that I have never done before. I enjoyed myself greatly doing this comic strips and I would definitely do it again in the future.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Comic Strip Description.
1. I chose the background pictures with a lot of sceneries as it would attract curious children to ask questions about the surrounding. This emphasizes on the theme of the story - Curiosity.
2. The pictures allows the reader to understand what is in a child's minds when they ask questions. For example, seeing a tree, a child would ask questions about it on its appearance, texture etc.
3. In the comic strip, the questions that the boy asks are mainly how what the object is. This shows that children are usually very curious when they see something that they have never seen before. This gives further emphasis on the theme, Curiousity.
2. The pictures allows the reader to understand what is in a child's minds when they ask questions. For example, seeing a tree, a child would ask questions about it on its appearance, texture etc.
3. In the comic strip, the questions that the boy asks are mainly how what the object is. This shows that children are usually very curious when they see something that they have never seen before. This gives further emphasis on the theme, Curiousity.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Learning Goals 2011
My learning goals for Language Arts in 2011 is to be able to understand " To Kill a Mockingbird" in details and truly get a grasp of the meaning behind the story. Currently, I am not really able to understand the full story and hope to learn to analyse this story in depth. Also, I am aiming to do well in comprehensions and poetry and those were my weak points last year. This can hopefully enable me to score better in my examinations.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Question 1 :
There was once when I tried to be friends with a group of boys my age but I just felt outcasted. I tried to engage with their activities but they just did not seem to notice and I felt quite hurt. Nevertheless, I continued with my efforts but to no avail. After more than 2 weeks, my neighbour, Paul, introduced me to another group of friends and immediately I got along with these friends. At the point, I told myself that I need not stay with friend who ignore you no matter how cool or awesome they may be but rather stay with true friends who acknowledge you no matter how boring they may be.
There was once when I tried to be friends with a group of boys my age but I just felt outcasted. I tried to engage with their activities but they just did not seem to notice and I felt quite hurt. Nevertheless, I continued with my efforts but to no avail. After more than 2 weeks, my neighbour, Paul, introduced me to another group of friends and immediately I got along with these friends. At the point, I told myself that I need not stay with friend who ignore you no matter how cool or awesome they may be but rather stay with true friends who acknowledge you no matter how boring they may be.
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
A song that has had a strong impact on me is Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. I like this song as it has meaningful lyrics that express the perseverance of the singer. The lyrics are below:
Ooh ooh
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but
You're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Ooh, give you up)
(Ooh, give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but
You're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
The video can be found here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ob=av3el
Ooh ooh
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but
You're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Ooh, give you up)
(Ooh, give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but
You're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
The video can be found here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ob=av3el
Most Valuable Thing Learnt Last Year
The most valuable thing I have learnt in Language Arts last year was the skill in analysis in poems. This skill thought me how to read beyond the lines in poems and read what the poet's true feeling were. I find this skill very beneficial as it this usefulness is not only confined to reading poems and I can also use it to analyse story books, newspaper clippings and many more.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Favourite Book
My favourtie book is actually the book that I read for Language Arts. It is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Of the several books that I had read, this book specifically attracted me because of the engaging plot which makes me want to continue reading the book till the last page.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Cloony The Clown by Shel Silverstein
1. This poem is ironic as when the clown did funny actions, trying to make the audience laugh, the audience did not laugh. But when the clown made a blunder, the crowd laughed hysterically.
2. Yes. The poet managed to show that we do not always succeed and there are times when the end result is contradictory to what we intended to achieve.
3. The poet used Rhyme and a Consistent Rhythm throughout the poem.
2. Yes. The poet managed to show that we do not always succeed and there are times when the end result is contradictory to what we intended to achieve.
3. The poet used Rhyme and a Consistent Rhythm throughout the poem.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
1. Yes. The poet had criticized the owner of the room as dirty, messy and very ashamed of himself, oblivious to the fact that the room actually belonged to him.
2. The aspects of human character highlighted in this poem are pride, arrogance and laziness.
2. The aspects of human character highlighted in this poem are pride, arrogance and laziness.
The Little Boy and the Old Man by Shel Silverstein
1. The underlying message is that the elderly are sometimes being treated by grown-ups just like children and thus behave like children. We should treat them with more respect.
2. The poet uses a consistent rhythm throughout the poem to bring out the message of the poem.
2. The poet uses a consistent rhythm throughout the poem to bring out the message of the poem.
Big Fish
1. What does the phrase “a big fish in a small pond” mean to you?
It means that the fish is too a cut above the rest of the fish in the pond.
2. What is the purpose of Edward Bloom’s tall tale about the big fish and the wedding ring?
His purpose is to show that a wedding ring is able to catch and uncatchable woman.
3. How does William Bloom as a boy feel about his father’s telling of the tale? How does this feeling change as he gets older?
He started of being intrigued then bored, sad and finally embarrassed.
4. Why does Edward Boom feel the need to keep repeating the tale throughout his life?
He feels the need as he wanted to teach his son the method to find a wife.
5. What does the tale reveal about the relationship between Edward and William Bloom?
The relationship between Edward and William Bloom is strained and William is upset with Edward
6. Consider the following quote:’ In telling the story of my father’s life, it’s impossible to separate fact from fiction, the man from the myth. The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me. It doesn’t always make sense and most of it never happened, but that’s what mind of story this is.’ What stories have you been told that match this description? What is the effect of telling a story in this way?
When listen to this kind of stories, they tend to think that it is fantasy and usually not believe the story.
7. Does bending or exaggerating the truth for the purpose of conveying and entertaining story undercut the believability of such a story? Is a tall tale less valid than a straight reportage of the facts? Why of why not?
Telling a story in such a way makes the story less valid as people will find the story too hard to believe and will not believe it.
It means that the fish is too a cut above the rest of the fish in the pond.
2. What is the purpose of Edward Bloom’s tall tale about the big fish and the wedding ring?
His purpose is to show that a wedding ring is able to catch and uncatchable woman.
3. How does William Bloom as a boy feel about his father’s telling of the tale? How does this feeling change as he gets older?
He started of being intrigued then bored, sad and finally embarrassed.
4. Why does Edward Boom feel the need to keep repeating the tale throughout his life?
He feels the need as he wanted to teach his son the method to find a wife.
5. What does the tale reveal about the relationship between Edward and William Bloom?
The relationship between Edward and William Bloom is strained and William is upset with Edward
6. Consider the following quote:’ In telling the story of my father’s life, it’s impossible to separate fact from fiction, the man from the myth. The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me. It doesn’t always make sense and most of it never happened, but that’s what mind of story this is.’ What stories have you been told that match this description? What is the effect of telling a story in this way?
When listen to this kind of stories, they tend to think that it is fantasy and usually not believe the story.
7. Does bending or exaggerating the truth for the purpose of conveying and entertaining story undercut the believability of such a story? Is a tall tale less valid than a straight reportage of the facts? Why of why not?
Telling a story in such a way makes the story less valid as people will find the story too hard to believe and will not believe it.
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